The First Pizza Party!

After two years of planning and construction of the Brick Pizza Oven,
David Munro finally is able to throw a much-awaited pizza party.
Attending were nephew, Daniel Munro, Tom Lynch, Barry Monush, and honored guest, Tom Buxereau.

Pre-heating the oven takes about 2 hours, until it is hot enough to have burned off the black carbon on the bricks.
The remaining embers are pushed to the side, and half the oven floor is cleaned to place the pizzas.

The dough has been made 3 days in advance and stored in plastic containers.

Then carefully spread into a circular shape.

Rice flour is put on the wooden pallet for ease of placing the pizza.

Various ingredients placed on the dough -- the placed into the oven.

After a minute, or so, the pizza is revolved so the other side is close to the fire.

And finally removed and put on a pizza pan.

More wood is added to the fire to keep the oven hot.

David M. is finally able to enjoy his hard-earned pizza. Mmmmmmmmm!

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