Edison Valley Playhouse




Director: David Christopher

Musical Director: Greg Scalera

Choreographer: Michele Mossay



Krissy Daniels – Tony Mowatt – Jonathan Galvez



Photographs by Rich Kowalski


Dawn and her Crew -------------------David -----------------Jonathan, Krissy & Tony

giving the director’s final notes


Tick – Tick – Tick – Tick ------


Turn Thirty, 1990.  Bang, you’re dead, what can you do?


Thirty’s great.  Thirty’s like Newark Airport – hard to get to but fewer delays.



Friends are getting fatter                     You’ll love the party.


Peter Pan and Tinker-bell, which way to Neverland?


It’s now or Neverland.  Why can’t I say a child forever?


I’m not proud of this line of thinking……


Susan takes my hand, warming up the whole roof.


Soft blond hair, Baby – baby blue eyes.


The green, green dress, what a pleasure to unwrap.


Johnny has no guide – Johnny wants to hide.



Is there a list?  Harrington! Harrington?  Kaplan – K-A-P-L-A-N, for seven.


On the soft green cylindrical stools, sit the fools……


………drinking cinnamon coffee – or decaffeinated tea.


…..drinking coffee Liiiiiight and Daaaaaark.


People screaming for their toast, in a small SOHO café, on an island in two rivers,

on an ordinary Sunday………………………….BRUNCH!


His new Beemer is fucking awesome.             Check out the seats!


No More taking a shower in the kitchen while your roommate’s eating breakfast

And getting water on his Cornflakes!


We’re moving’ on up to the Eastside, to a deluxe apartment in the sky!


So what do you think?       I don’t know, Mike, I haven’t owned 3 belts in my entire life.


You heard the news about Chuck?  Sold another screenplay.             My brother-in-law.



Rosa Stevens, my agent.  That bitch!           Are you excited about the workshop?


Jonnie, you can always move in with us for awhile.                        Arrrgh!


Let’s argue about moving up to New England.                 Hold it, we’re on New England now?



We have therapy tomorrow, it’s too late to screw, so let’s just get some rest!!


On to the second half of the show:


Go to David’s DIRECTING Page

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