Edison Valley Playhouse, Spring 2010

Conceived by Mary Kyte

Director -  David Christopher

Musical Director – Emily Bengels



Brooke Andrews


TJ McNeill


Josephine Quaye


Wayne Harris


Kelly Maizenaski


Act I

Charlie’s Arrival







Teddy and the

Spanish American War





On the Job & Charlie’s Dream







Emma Goldman vs Teddy Roosevelt



Miss Anna Held



Anna’s maid, Susannah




The Apple







Play VIDEO of

sample songs from Act 1


Click here for Act II


Producer – Bill Seesselberg

Stage Manager & Props – Dawn Noonan

Pianist – Emily Bengels

Percussionist – Fred Macarone

Costumes Diane Seesselberg and Dawn Noonan

Lighting Design – Tom Minucci

Scenic Painting – Erin McCourt

Lights – Jordan Katowich, Liz Thomas

Slides by David Christopher - Projected by Patrick Andrae


Go to David Christopher's home page