The Cats of 189 North Avenue
The First Cranford Cat was Grandier,
he was a master of disguise.
Then came the mighty Pseudolus, who could punch like a boxer,
but was a bit of a recluse.
Then Cassie joined the family, a real lady,
and she tamed Pseudolus with her feminine charms.
After Pseudolus left,
BIG MAX joined the family
and he made poor Cassie's life a misery.
She had her defenses, though.
With Cassie's departure, Max relaxed into being Head Cat on his own,
until the arrival of the blue eyed, little Beast.
It may look like Max is beating the little one, but in reality,
Beast can still put Max in his place.
The story of the relationship between Max and Beast.
Max: "On my tree, I'm still HEAD CAT"
Beast: "I wonder what it feels like to be Head Cat?"
Max: "Maybe it's safe to take a little nap."
Beast: "I think he's asleep, maybe I can get up there on top"
Max: "Hey, what are you doing up here?!?!"
Beast: "So this is how it feels up here."
Both: "Well, over here we can just be equals".
But no matter what traumas the day may bring,
there's always
To meet our Newest Cats, Barrymore and Chaton: click here!
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