A Colorful Christmas

Oaxaca, Mexico

Our Christmas trip was centered around the charming hotel in downtown, historic Oaxaca City, "La Casa de la Tia". The hotel is run by Barbara and Alberto de Perez, Barbara being my cousin from the Lyons Family.


Every morning Barbara would serve us a delicious breakfast in the "Patio of the Pillars".

Barbara's friendly, exuberant hospitality, to all the guests, is a major reason for the hotel's charm.

Getting to know Barbara and her family, was a large part of what made this vacation so memorable.

Below: Also contributing to the fun and laughter of our trip were our new, Irish friends, Richard and Grainne.

The Colorful Streets and
Busy Markets of Oaxaca


During our first meal, in this balcony restaurant,
we view the always bustling Zocalo (the city square).

There's always something happening in the Zocalo during the Christmas Festivaties.
Visit the next page to see some delightful examples of festivals, as well as, beautiful, native crafts.

Come and meet my Mexican Family

Christmas Celebrations in Oaxaca


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