Step Two: Building the Base of the Tower.

Cutting and laying the bricks for the two sides of the base.


Using the ingenious tool called "The Bricky",
which forms the mortar the size of the bricks.

Using another Bricky tool, to clean up the edges of the mortar.

Building up the two sides of the foundation.

Creating the arch above the wood storage bin,
made out of slate found in the hills of Pennsylvania.
The arch will support the large slate mantel at the opening of the oven.

Building the support for the cement slab
and breaking through the studio wall.

Cutting bricks to insert extended cardboard tubes,
and inserting reinforcement rods for the concrete.

Preparing for the slab to be poured.

Putting fire-proof insulation on top of the poured concrete.

Completing the base with the concrete slab and insulation.

On to the Oven Construction

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